EDI 834 Data Transformation

Create and transform EDI messages using the JSON format of the EDI.

Our current supported EDI version: 005010

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EDI 834 Request to JSON Response

Transforms an EDI 834 message into JSON.

Request headers


To make REST API calls, make sure to include your account's email and password in a Base64 encrypted format in the Basic authentication scheme. The value is <Account-Email> and <Account-Password>


<EDI Healthcare Data Transformation License Id>

Sample request

EDI 834 Copy

Sample response


JSON Request to EDI 834 Response

Transforms JSON into an EDI 834 message.

Request headers


To make REST API calls, make sure to include your account's email and password in a Base64 encrypted format in the Basic authentication scheme. The value is <Account-Email> and <Account-Password>


<EDI Healthcare Data Transformation License Id>

Sample request


Sample response

EDI 834 Copy