Get started with our HL7 Data Transformation APIs

Splinx APIs use REST, authenticate with a secure and encrypted license id, and return HTTP response codes and responses encoded in either JSON or an HL7 format, depending on your request.

All of our APIs only initiate a charge or count only if the API request was successful and no format errors were encountered.

Important: You will need to have a valid license that is specific to whichever HL7 you would like to use for transformation.

Test licenses only support limited API calls per month

Live licenses support unlimited API calls per month

1. Create an API license

An API license is required to use any of our APIs.

Here is how you can get an API license:

1. Log in to your Splinx account

2. Select Licenses

3. Create the valid license specific to the HL7 message you would like to use. You can view which license is valid for each HL7 message by looking at our pricing page

2. Call the API

To find the link of the proper HL7 message that needs to be transformed, navigate to the sidebar on the left to find the HL7 message that fits your needs.